Water purification information

Do you know what you should do when the water purification equipment has a low water output rate?

Views : 362
Author : Susan
Update time : 2024-09-26 11:49:49
Hello everyone, today Susan is here to answer some questions about water treatment equipment. I hope it can be helpful to you. Recently, some customers reported that the water output rate of the water purification equipment is low after being used for a period of time.
Today, Susan will give you a detailed answer to this question: Under normal circumstances, the phenomenon of low water output rate and high voltage of water purification equipment is mainly due to It is caused by instrument readings, temperature, inlet water conductivity, potential water side pressure, pressure difference, membrane element attenuation, membrane element pollution, untimely maintenance, etc.

The pressure gauge and flow meter of the pure water equipment are not calibrated before use, resulting in inaccurate readings. The installation position of the pressure gauge is far away from the ends of the pressure vessel, and its reading contains the pressure loss of the pipeline, but when it is used as the inlet pressure, it will lead to low inlet pressure, which will lead to low water production.

When the inlet water temperature is lower than the initial design, every 3°C reduction in the inlet water temperature of the reverse osmosis plant results in a reduction in water production of about 10%. When the inlet water conductivity is much higher than the design value, for every 1,000 ppm increase in sodium chloride solution, it will lead to an osmotic pressure increase of about 11.4 psi, and under the same inlet pressure, the water production of the reverse osmosis equipment will be reduced. Under the same inlet pressure, due to the production side of the water set up to hold pressure or the production of water pipeline is small, the delivery point is high far, thus resulting in greater resistance, resulting in a reduction in the net pressure, the amount of water produced is reduced. Under normal circumstances, for the six-core 8040 membrane element, the pressure difference between the two ends is about 3 ~ 4 bar. if the pipeline design is not reasonable will lead to a greater loss of pressure or the second section of the thick water discharge valve can not be completely closed, all of these will lead to reverse osmosis equipment, net pressure reduction, reduced water production.

If the wet membrane element is not preserved in place or the wet membrane element is loaded into the system did not take protective measures, so that the membrane element becomes dry, which will lead to flux will be greatly attenuated or no flux, resulting in reverse osmosis equipment system to reduce the amount of water production. Reverse osmosis membrane element operation requires better feed water, in the feed water into the reverse osmosis membrane element before the quartz sand, activated carbon, softeners and other front-end processing, if the water quality is too poor, it will be easy to cause the membrane element scaling or contamination or even breakage. The main reason for the low water yield and high pressure of pure water equipment is membrane fouling.

In the use of pure water equipment for a period of time, without the appropriate routine maintenance operations, so that the quartz sand, activated carbon, softeners, front-end filter maintenance is not in place, the security filter cartridge replacement is not timely, or is not replaced, it will make the filtration performance decline, resulting in a lower rate of water.

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